kirikiri 2.0
has been a roaring success!
kiri kiri is now preparing the next exhibition...

Poster for Unruly Performer Kiri Kiri solo exhibition 13-19 March 2023

kiri kiri 2.0 solo show
15-28 april 2024


An old portrait sits on top of PC circuits.

to hell with the rule book

Old school wisdom versus contemporary knowledge. Learn both then mix it up.

A man faces colourful petals while he is watching porn.

you could take a lifetime finding the right partner

People dream of finding romance without even trying, lost in other things as life races by.

A lady reclines with a drink looking fabulous.

sexy bEAST

How wonderful to sit and sip a drink, reclining, letting yourself feel fabulous.

A father and two children inside a tunnel with flowers at the end.

you tube is catnip for our social brains

A father and his children are drawn into online depths. Their time never to be returned.

A head of Venus in front of a geometric graphic.

a life of many dimensions

Venus has landed in our contemporary times, pondering the past and the present.

World leaders standing in front of blue pyramids.

admit it: you didn't help build the pyramids

World leaders stand united, hoping they can trick us into believing their words.

A man and two women, all attractive in front of two giant dice.


The happy people are unaware of the dangers they gamble with.

A man prying his eyes open with his hands has a door knob and antlers on his head.

another day at the office in the quest for dark matter

Charlie Brooker tries to find inspiration for his new series.

Iggy Pop bares his chest, sitting in a bath tub with pink flowers..

all she wants for christmas

Iggy Pop makes sure he is no.1 on the Christmas wish list.

A blue gloved hand holding SARS virus in a jar on black background.

a very dark place

Covid-19 had begun to spread. Nobody knew how bad it was going to be.

A female torso in a red coat opened to reveal wine, flowers and food.

appetite for life

Feed you Microbiome well and good and you'll be rewarded with sound health and a happy outlook.

A black and white portrait half human half Roman sculpture.

all we all anxious now?

This piece was created during the Covid-19 lockdown. People had begun to get very pent up.

Baquiats black character stands in a window of a scyscraper on blue background.

Basquiat would drop $100 bills out of the window

What a wonderful thing to do, sharing you fortune like that.

A man sits in front of flames with a big bowl of pasta and a glass of red wine.

when you're in the right mood, anything can happen

I love those days, when you wake up, full of life and joy, ready to take on anything, feeling invincible.

A teenage boy in front of a computer with a giant apple in the background.

bad apple?

From 1997 onwards, the internet has made us slaves to our screens for better or worse. Who knows what this boy is watching or to whom he might be talking?

Half man, half roast chicken with surgeons surrounding him.

born this way

Plastic surgery is on the rise. People never seem to be satisfied, no matter what they do.

A dark haired girl with a diamnd ring on her head and cartoon style glasses.

award for responsible capitalism

Many companies are green washing their businesses but it is really only smoke and mirrors.

Three Blahnik shoes in a bedroom with orchids on pink.

you know what they say about men with big shoes...

That old tale of size of the feet compared to size of the manhood...

Charles Manson's mug shot behind prison bars made of rhubarb.

california still life

Charles Manson's mug shot behind prison bars made of rhubarb.

Jack Nicholson smoking a cigar on yellow background.

business as usual

Jack Nicholson will never age, no matter what.

An astronaut in space is facing a giant, swimsuit clad female bottom.

big boy romper suit

Man's eternal quest to conquer both space and women.

A cute young boy and a gian churro dripping in chocolate sauce on a blue/green background.


Young, boyish charm - gets you anywhere.

Yayoi Kusama in red wig, sunglasses and man's suit


Yayoi Kusama rocks.

A lady in a spotty dress with a Christmas cake for head.

christmas cake syndrome
self portrait

In Japan, you're considered less and less desirable for marriage after your 25th Birthday.

CHloe Sevigny eating lunch with a queue of tribal people.

chloe sevigny's dinner party

She doesn't have much food to share but she will do so.

A irl in yellow coat is grumpy with a man eating.

the silent treatment

Greta Thunberg is hacked off that Professor Green hasn't shared his food with her. A bunch of Saints agree.

A man in his cabriolet car, a wax doll and a hooed man.

i was taking pills

Munching on "Happy Pills" seems to be an ever increasing habit of more and more people.

Rod Stewart, Sly Stallone, Jagger, Travolta and other celebs all in a sunny room with a dog.

cosmic inflation erased aspects of our past

A bunch of celebs are having an early morning party, hoping they will never be forgotten.

A lady's hand handing over documents in a peach coloured bedroom.

classified - cashing in
in Marlene Dietrich's bedroom

The actual room of the Dietrich in New York, where a lady is handing over Top Secret documents from MI6.

Prins Harry and Yoko Ono holding hands in front of hearts.

code breakers

The Royal couple has done it again: annoying people with their shenanigans.

Two giggling ladies on a moped, fruit gums in forn tof an azure background.

deserve this moment

High on Fruit Gums, the ladies are having a wonderful time.

picasso in underpants with a toy lion on green background.

dave was lukewarm about a new dog

Saint Picasso out for a stroll with his probably too large pet.

Dolly Parton and Jeff Goldblum surrounded by emerald jewellry.

dolly parton - goldblum

Jeff ts to marry her, she is not so sure but happy to be showered in emeralds anyway.

A nude lady, a pair of hands and another hand holding chopsticks.

in the world of bespoke "deepfake" porn, you're the star

Seems everyone's face is up for grabs...

dark hired aldy in fishnets sitting in an upside down, leopard clad, room.


We all like to have an opinion of what elegance and style are.

A person with his entire head covered in a hood in forn to black and white spotted feathers.


This piece was done in the height of the lock-down. We all felt very, very, very wing clipped.

A Cornish pasty, stone chisel and a marble oval sculpture on grey background.

double fantasy

Still life with a stone pitching chisel, Cornish pasty and watch strap.

A lady in a cloak surrounded by animals and a mistletoe.

elixir fixer

Modern day witch that can communicate with animals and makes a great drink.

Lucian Freud's portrait stares over an opulent sitting room in blue.

dough. dolla. cash. plata.

He has it all, yet, Lucian Freud is bored.

A red haired girl with  giant lips with a camera above her head.

extra smile

Being told to grin when someone takes your photo is very annoying.

A cute kitten's head sandwiched in a burger bun.

fake news

Sometimes they are hard to see through, sometimes not.

A pizza slice in a box in front of pink and red floral wallpaper.

flat du jour

That "just-moved-in" feeling. First meal being a pizza - obviously.

A womans back with seafood tucked into her trousers.

flavour hunter

She hides a whole arsenal of seafood delicacies.

A beautiful girl is on top of an Edwardian lady bound by an anatomical rib cage. Red on dark green.

flesh and blood

Mothers, we owe them everything.

A young man in the nude laughing while alady's hand is tickling him with a lipstick.

guilty pleasures

We all have at least one of them.

Richard Gere in front of a mirror, nude, in a stately home

forget the movies

You have all been warned.

Five cloned women with dull expressions, exercising.

free to be me

Yet they all look the same...

Oligarch and a lady in pink in front of neon signs.

fringe events

Oligarchs meet up somewhere exotic once again.

Queen Elizabeth in various photos amongst lots of multi coloured roses.

from fairy tales to robot science

The Queen tends to her duty garden. RIP.

Eric Clapton drinking whisky with a giant, pink toy cat behind him.

glitch in the matrix

Eric Clapton in deep thought, has no idea what's going on.

John Travolta times 4 and a purple crab

give us your body for a week
and we'll give you back your mind

Four John Travoltas are trying to get you to go to crab's retreat.

A ghost biscuit is in bed in a nice room while two hands are looking after it.

75 harley street

Another face lift patient seen to while waiting to be let out.

Zuckerbergs face with avocado for eyes and a chilli for mouth with Bitcoin in the background.

have i gone as far as i can?

The Boss of Meta, having been on top of the world, is having doubts about the future.

Cleopatra in gold dress, an orchid and the all seeing eye on gold backgropund.

have you seen the future?

Cleopatra seems to have - poor woman (considering her fate).

A sunny interior where a mouth springs from a painting on the wall.


Some days definitely start better than others.

A black alien with a Wedusa like head holding his temples, wearing a pink sweater.

rarely found indoors

You know when you have been indoors to long - get out!

A young man is having injections and scalpels near his face and a hand is taking a snake out of a red bag.

going public

Once you start with the freezing and filling of your face, there is no going back. Is that a new wrinkle?!

A bald man in prison uniform and handcuffs.

i dress like a boy

How else would a prisoner dress? Don't really think he has a choice. Unless it is a she...

A purple, shiny astronaut in front of a golden space lander.

how to fake it so no one notices

Is this how we made it to the Moon and back?

Lucian Freuds self portrait in front of a sea scape.

Higher ground

Freud's portrait of himself is looking down on us for whatever reason.

A man's head with a cake on top overlooking a nude woman in a yoga pose, sitting on a fish fillet.

i had agents tell me i 'd never make it

Don't listen to them - perservere!

a man in pants inside a hotel room looks at a lady pair of legs and an ice cream cone for head.


This could be the home help or it could be a cry for help...

A dark haired woman in a bath with a glittery sea through top on.

i think cats are bitchy

Cat people versus dog people, the eternal debate.

A made-up womans head with giant glittery lips in red and chef's knoves sticking out of her face.

i woke up like this

Some days are definitely easier to slip into than others.

Three girls on a beach flipping the birdie.


Has it become what we wanted it to be? Is it still evolving?

An insect-like robot holds up an Asian woman's head with plasters and threads.

i understand EXACTLY how you feel

Robots are closing in on the human race.

A blue gloved hand holding white pills and a pink doughnut.

it starts with a dream

Easy to have, hard to execute.

A bunch of famous people and Pikachu on holiday by the sea.

it's a good thing to have success

Hear it from all these famous people for yourself.
Pikachu included.

A 30's girl's head is split in half with planets inside.

land your dream

The Universe is within all of us, keep on dreaming.

A young man  surrounded by vegetables with sourdough bread slices on his head.


He certainly knows how to stay healthy.

A young lady reclining on top of a Japanese Oni devil, overlooked by a harem nude painting.

l'art de vivre

Life is short - enjoy it as much as you can.

A amn in front of a fire outdoors with a young female in pants in his arms..

we have all spent the past year itching

Lockdown didn't do many of us any favours.

Pinks supernova Universe photo.

people are like, you're a bit of a mystery

You ARE the Universe FFS!" (rolling eyes)

An Edwardian lady is sitting amongst memory images of hunts etc, full of regrets.

stupid 1

Reminiscing about what could have been and where she is now.

A man in an E-type Jaguar with a large man over him.

we knew there was a real possibility
it might be a fake

Quite a lot of counterfeit goods out there.

A blond woman in red dress in front of rose bushes flanked by two hunky male torsos.

lies, damned lies, and your facebook profile

Presenting yourself as peachy when your life is less than that.

Grace Kelly and Prince Ranier in black and white a t a party. She is wearing a t-shirt saying Immigrant.


It is never easy being the stranger, learning new ways, behaviors, and customs.

Sean COnnery's head comes out of a three tier Birthday cake.

impossible is just a dare

Sean Connery imitates James Bond and does a wild stunt.

An old fashioned bathroom with a bronze horse head, a nude painting and a Roman coin.

leonellvus marchio estensis

The horse is interested in the sugar. Leonellus in a nice, hot bath.

A blond man in black sunglasses is sitting in a marijuana plantation with a boat in water under neath.


Brett Easton Ellis is contemplating another way to support himself.

Sylivia Plath and her two daughters overlook 14th century saints.


Sylvia Plath with her daughters and the suffering and exhaustion of the saints.

grey and white image of a hand, fish, spoon and star.

looking back at the future, as it happened

Michelangelo's hand of Adam points us in the right direction.

McCartney, Hepburn, Gallagher and ACDC in a club with an old stripper.


It is quite fascinating to find out where inspiration comes from.

Nicholas Cage and a Great Dane, dancing on stripy background.

natural performers

Nicholas Cage and Great Dane, dancing.

An arm showing off bicep, a 50s lady hoovering it and a soft boiled egg.

hot & healthy, low in fat

Keep fit, keep clean, eat your protein and constantly admire yourself in the mirror.

Dark haired girl with a Dodo as top of her head in a war zone scene.

meet AI's conscience

Is there one? Is it still primitive? Will it outwit all of us? When?

Red jewelled lips eating a ice cream cone on gold glitter background.

lunch envy?

ice cream for lunch and still looking fabulous.

Melania Trump in a Nasa helmet in front of a space image of the Moon.

the new rules of travel

Melania knows.

A glamorous woman in Gucci frying eggs and vegetables with a plane flying in sunset behind.

the ultimate staycation

Why bother with crammed airports when you can glam yourself up and cook a fabulous meal at home?

Blond girl head with sunglasses reflecting pasta alle vongole.

narcissism is very important

No chance she is eating those carbs. Look but don't touch, girl.

A large suited man with three spoons in his hand in front of a giant chocolate cake.

nobody wants to eat with me any more

Such a shame as that cake looks delicious.

Two female hands holding pills, a Meissen jug and a purple poppy as background,

next big things don't just appear from nowhere

Some say that a bit of psychedelic drugs help...

Michael Hutchence in a gold suit, pondering, in forn t of a green, orange geometric background.

noted for hedonism and a magnet for fame

Michael Hutchence contemplates his life's work.

Prince Harry holding a clown that is embarrassed.

one father dodging child-support

What has he done?

A panda head with a gas mask held by two dirty hands.

you never actually own a patek philippe

You never actually own nature either.

a bare chested Keith Moon inside a giant telescope.

over the moon

Keith Moon inside a giant telescope.

A mad party with famous people, spirits and clowns.

party spirits

A mad party attended by the world's greatest people and clowns.

upside down Ken dolls, naked diving in a pond in the cottage country side.

off for the weekend

The wealthy leave London for the weekends in the country. Lots of mischief stays behind closed doors and mouths.

A heavily tattooed arm is flipping the birdie in front of a very well stocked bookcase a sofa and old portraits.

on hating

Don't let the haters win - ever.

A hooded person with a sea anemone for face.

self portrait

Those days when we're not feeling to hot.

A smiling female with a bottle of Bollinger and four glasses of rose wine.

putting on the spritz

A bit too much?

A young lady in pink dress on a coral reef underwater.

periods of quietude can be beneficial to both mind and body

Have an underwater moment. It's good for you.

An Asian man is sitting on a pavement, head obscured by hair.

pause your day

It is most important to know when to stop. Don't burn out.

A cutout of an arm flipping the birdie full of maggots on a sky blue background.

planet friendly pizza

Could maggots be the solution?

A girl's head in a purple hoodie with sunglasses full of fizzy drink.

our party trick

Show everyone our brain is swimming.

A girl in a pool with a crown of crab and glass raindrops.


Find a still place. Breathe, stare, contemplate.

a young girl in light blue dress on a pink background.

psycho assassin?

No one knows what madness lurks in the minds of men.

Blond woman's head surrounded by fish and shellfish.

she felt invincible, almost regal

And who wouldn't in a shroud like that?

Elton John  with a satellite in front of stars in the Universe.

the surprising importance of STRATOSPHERIC life

Yes, he is a Supernova.

A giant Marijuana leaf grws inside a beutiful Regency eggshaped staircase.

room to be creative

Nature tends to reclaim old, abandoned buildings.

AL Pacino with gun, Mary praying over Jesus, selfie taken by Sam Cam.

social media is a powerful tool

Al Pacino is on a rampage. Mary prays for Jesus. Samatnha Cameron takes a selfie.

A lady's head with a hand coming out of her face and another grabbing her shoulder.

self portrait with hands

For those times when we want to focus but are pulled away in other directions by higher forces.

King Charles from boy to King and Queen Elixabeth.

schnitzel love

Raised by a loving mother from boy to King.

A knight in armour is drawing his sword towards an 18th century portrait of a lady.

sometimes you need to be a bully to beat a bully

Will she leash out at him?

Mick Jagger with a croissant hat, a banana and an egg in a hotel room.

show don't tell

Showing off again, waiting for action, breakfast at the ready.

Raplh Lauren with a police hat and Nicole Kidman as cowgirl on a leopard background.

seriously fresh

Ralph Lauren as Style Police with Nicole Kidman as a pool side cowgirl.

A suited torso with a roast chicken for head.

self portrait as roast chicken

Was feeling particularly tired that day.

A female torso in apurple dress with giant red lips for head.

self portrait as talking head

How I wish I would look if I was interviewed on TV.

A lady in a coat with an oil lamp for head is dancing on a boardroom table.

self portrait in the boardroom

You have no idea how often, when in meetings, I wanted to do exactly this.

Elegant lady in pink dress with a green tomato slice covering her face.

self portrait as a tomato head

An Ode to Shonen Knife's song "Tomato Head"

A lady in pink ruffled dress with a chicken's head holding a red cherry.

self portrait with cherry

Just because.

King Charles, in adinner jacket, sitting with a red bob wig in front of glittery doughnuts.

the perm is back - but not as you know it

Inspired by Yayoi Kusama, King Charles is trying a new hairstyle.

A lady in a pink dress with a long flamingo neck looking at a portion of McDonald's fries.

self portrait with fries

Being elegant while feeling hungry.

Ozzy Osborne and a red haired girl on horseback.

smile! it's non-creepy facial recognition

The eyes are on us everywhere we go.

Kate with a pasy hat and Will making a face at a roller disco.


Kate Middleton, busy choosing hats, lets Prince William go to a Roller Disco.

A man in a dinner jacket with a conch shell for head.

shape shifter

A very handy superpower.

A black gloved hand is holding an orange for a Polar bear to bite into.

super healthy


Gary Oldman with a psychedelic bubble instead of hair.

take you mind for a walk

Gary Oldman uses his imagination to the max.

A lady in pink workout gear with a scuba diver touching her breast.

still got it?

Do you?

A man lying in the desert with his face floating above, revealing a starnge tangle.

the truth about face-lifts

No one likes to talk about it.

Stockholm thinks it is bigger and more important than it is.


Wold famous, world leading.

The Joker, and an angel a a table while a girl in a frame flips the bird.

sophisticated and elegant

No matter how elegant the party, there is usually someone to wreck the mood.

A 50's family watching TV and reaching for  junk food.

the next pandemic

At least there is some guacamole there.

Putin holding a giant ice cream cone while walking in the woods.

take it to extremes

A strange quest.

A high heeled foot stepping on a banana skin with three arms raised holding phones with TikTok.

the carousel of nightmares

Social Media and our attention span.

Girl with round sunglasses has a female hand coming out of her mouth.

toothpaste reimagined

Long nails for a thorough clean.

A red head sits on a sofa with cocktail while a man hoovers.

that's frustrating. you're angry and sad.

While she chills out, he's doing all the chores. There is no pleasing some.

Audrey Hepburn surrounded by jewellery.

thanks a bunch

Be famous and you will receive an array of gifts.

A girl with a Learner plate kneeling in a 60s kitchen,

ugh! who'd do that job?

Domestic bliss?

A cute girl and a big howling wolf.

what good is grandma?

Where is Grandma? Wait...

A man wearing an Afghan scarf.

the unstoppable rise of the bourgeois left

Remember those Afghan scarves?

A bulldog watches football hooligans fight.

white socks

Letting off steam.

Rhodin's the Thinker and a young man wearing a diamond bracelet as a crown looking superior.

the arts

Very inclusive. For everyone. Absolutely. Yah.

A bunch of rebel celebrities including John Lennon, Marilyn, Churchill, Jagger.

yolo so go solo

Do it your own way.

Elvis Presley plays a song to a rose face with sleeping mask on looking blissful.

when you listen to music, you are never alone

Good tunes induce a rosy state of bliss.

A young man is looking in the mirror on blue background.

through the looking glass

Mirror, mirror...etc.

Princess Diana coming out of Botticelli's Venus painting.

work hard, have fun and be nice

An ancient prompt . Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Elon Musk in a space helmet holding his head.

you don't have to go far to find yourself

Has Elon finally given up his quest for Mars?

SirTim Berners-Lee sitting, green background.

we could have paid an instagram celebrity

Instead, you have Tim Berners-Lee

Girls singing with a cartoon wedding cake on red background.

the problem with modern romance is too much choice

On a dating app - stunned.

Deep green forest a giant chilli and rose buds and a minuscule man.

the sweet spot

Shinrin Yoky or forest bathing. Immerse yourself fully into nature, let go and be mesmerized.

Torsos in Facebook t-shirts with chicken heads and a bubble gum machine with smiley faces.

whole turkeys

No one can have eternal success...

Elvis Presley plays guitar and a rose face is listening with closed eyes.

when you listen to music you are never alone

Just close your eyes and enjoy.

A 20's dressy couple in front of a giant burger and cocktail.

there was no tactical subtlety whatsoever

There was only pure want.

UN headquarters in session with a giant tomato on a giant screen.

wise up to office politics!

All that effort just to be overseen by a tomato.

A tacky young man in bad clothes, surrounded by old men.

old and new

A vulgar display as viewed by the elders.

A man eating a giant plate of spaghetti with flames in the background.

when you're in the right mood
anything can happen

He is on fire. Rightfully so.